Anal Issues: Scooting or Dragging

Mike asks:

On another subject, does anybody else have problems with their Bichons "scooting" on their rear ends? Lizzie does this. The vet showed me how to express her anal glands which I do with a gloved hand and KY jelly. However, she still may scoot on occasion after having this done. I don't want to go to the extreme of her having surgery to remove the glands as I worry about post operative incontinence. Any advice?

Lisa responds:

My Bichon Levi is also fond of this activity. This is especially attractive during dinner and while we have company. He always seems to pick the right time. He will still do this even after he has been groomed and his glands are empty. I do not express his anal glands myself because I am afraid that I will rupture them and cause more problems. I leave this up to the vet or groomer.
Every now and then he "lets out" an awful odor from his hind end that can be described as a fishy smell. We call this "Fishy Finkey". Thank God that this only happens once every couple of months, because it is awful. I wonder if other people have this problem, and what the cause might be?
Levi goes scooting across the carpet- and know I am not the only owner who has this "problem"!!

Jean responds:

I only had one out of my four who did the scooting and it was the gland problem. Oh gosh and I forgot all about that awful odor that comes with it. My how one forgets!

We had the vet or groomer take care of it whenever.


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