Rascal writes:
I have noticed that a lot of people are discussing grooming, especially matting.
I groom Rascal myself because a couple of years back I had taken him to a groomer who decided to make him look like a poodle. So, I started grooming him myself. Sometimes this works out well sometimes I miss the mark. But I figure it's on me then.
What I have found though is if you don't rub their fur and just squeeze the water out after a bath there is less matting. Also, use a conditioner, doesn't have to be a dog conditioner, I use whatever I have on hand.
One tool that is really good is a fork looking like thing (can't remember the name). It has teeth that cut through clots. I also use slicker brushes to get the hairs to seperate (also when I blow dry). I find that professionals who say there were too many matts just don't want to take the time. Bichons take time to groom. Therefore, either you have to take your dog in every two weeks or start grooming them yourself because the professionals will just go with easy not with how you want the dog to be cut. That's my way, What's your? RASCAL...
2DogMom responds:
Hi Linda
You're right, when I took Shelby in to be groomed, the girl just didn't want or have the time to take on her. When I did get home, I thought why don't I just trim her myself next time, I could do it--and she doesn't have to be perfect. As long as I trim and brush so she doesn't get mats. She gets a bath every 2 weeks so I'll just have to get a handle on any mats that are starting.
Rascal responds:
Cindi, yeah that's what I do too. I usally don't really brush rascal alot and let his hair curl cause like it will anyways, hehe. But the real trick is don't rub her dry after the bath. Use towels and squeeze the water out. I make rascal shake alot first, he does the shake shake shake your bootie. It came to me one day trying to get him to shake and has just stuck. so now I sing it to him to make hime shake. OK, i'm slightly nuts too... Linda
Rascal responds:
Hey Cyndi,
AAhH the joys of grooming. Really though use conditioner and don't rub them it will make the job easier. I use a blowdryer and a slicker brush to get them dry. the slicker really helps seperate the clots, and I do it in sections, I leave the head for last. Rascal is really great about it even though some days are long with the clipping and bathing and blow drying. But he loves the attention after cause everyone makes a fuss and calls him fufu. Yesterday I found a little stray looks like a Yorkie. took her in and bathed her and groomed her too. She looks so much better. So far no one has reported her missing. Much easier on the grooming though HEHEE. Linda
2DogMom responds:
Hi Linda
What kind of dryer do you have? Just a regular hair dryer or a dog groomer dryer?
Do you brush Rascal's teeth?
Was the little Yorkie you found in good shape? It's cold where you are and she was out in the bad weather? Thank goodness you found her, who knows what would have happened to her! Are you going to keep her? More company for your brood! LOL
Rascal responds:
I use an ordinary blow dryer with the adapter for more focused air control. Here's a pic of her (Yorkie) at least that's what she looks like. She had been hanging around the other apartment complex for 3 days prior to me taking her in. She was lucky our temps were 40-50 over the weekend. This pic was after she had the bath and grooming.
Update from Rascal:
The owners never came to claim her. She is now part of our family. We named her Roxie.
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